2016年3月18日 星期五

家長通告/School Notice - Version: 19.03.2016 (CH&EN)





1.      不要携蛋,果,花生,花生或任何含有此成分的食物孩子在课间休息在教室中作点心享用。以此可以避免孩子在分享食物的程中,意外接触潜在敏源。
2.      任何涉及包含果,花生或花生壳程(如手工)将不会允堂中或在校园内实施不要和您的孩子在教室中完成此类课程。
3.      终联谊和生日聚会是孩子期待的日子。然而,敏体制的孩子是一个警敲响的艰难时。如果您想上您手制作的糕点,注意使用食物的配料成分并将所有配料写在包装盒的外面。当您准丰盛美食的候,留心厨房的清洁卫,每一次食物接触到的器皿及厨具都必要清洗干,以免交叉感染的情况发生。
4.      以食用蛋,果,花生,花生或含有此成分食物心的孩子。用完点心后一定要用肥皂洗手并用清水冲洗干净。只用清水洗手是不够的!同理,如果您的孩子以食用鸡蛋,坚果,花生,花生酱或含有此类成分的食物作为早餐,在前往学校前,请您务必配合确认孩子的双手用肥皂和清水清洗干净。





Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are writing to let you know that like most schools in Victoria, we have a number of students in our school that have potentially life-threatening food allergies. Children with food allergies can have life-threatening reactions with some exposures to even tiny amounts of allergen.
Our school has many young children who are still exploring their environment with their hands and mouths and frequently touch their face. In order to decrease their chance of allergic reactions, we are therefore putting the following safety guidelines into effect:
1.      Please do not bring in any eggs, nuts, peanuts, peanut butter or related products to be eaten as snacks in the classroom and during break times. The purpose is to prevent children from developing allergic reactions through food-sharing.
2.      Classroom projects that involve nuts, peanuts or peanut shells (art projects) will not be conducted during class or within school grounds. Please do not send any of these projects into the classroom with your child.
3.      End of year parties and birthday parties are a special time for children. However, it can be a difficult time for the food-allergic child. If you would like to send in baked goods, please be careful about the ingredients. Please list the ingredients on the outside of the package. When preparing “treats”, please pay close attention to cross-contamination in your kitchen. To prevent cross-contamination, it is necessary that cooking utensils and preparation surfaces be carefully washed after each food is touched.
4.      Children who ate eggs, nuts, peanuts, peanut butter or related products for snack should clean their hands with soap and water. Water alone does not do the trick! Similarly, if your child ate eggs, nuts, peanuts, peanut butter or related products for breakfast, we would greatly appreciate your help in making sure that his/her hands are washed with soap and water before leaving for school.
This is a learning process for all of us, but we trust that you understand how deeply important it is to adhere to these safety guidelines and ensure that every student in our school is able to learn in a safe and supportive environment.

Thank you for your commitment to our children.

Fo Guang Chinese School

